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Search Results for engineer

Occupations are ranked based on how well they matched each keyword. The table below also indicates whether a keyword was found in the title, lay titles, description, tasks, or detailed work activities of each occupation. To find information about an occupation, click on its title.

Total Matches Found: 302

Score Occupation O*NET
100 Aerospace Engineers  Bright Outlook Bright Outlook   17-2011.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx7 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
99 Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians 17-3027.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx5 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
99 Civil Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2051.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx5  
99 Mechanical Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2141.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx7 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
99 Architectural and Engineering Managers 11-9041.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx5  
99 Bioengineers and Biomedical Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2031.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx3
99 Environmental Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2081.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx4 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
99 Automotive Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2141.02 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx5 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
99 Materials Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2131.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
99 Ship Engineers 53-5031.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx11 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
99 Transportation Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2051.01 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx2 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
99 Petroleum Engineers 17-2171.00 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx5 view detailed work activities match detailsx4
98 Solar Energy Systems Engineers 17-2199.11 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx2 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
98 Health and Safety Engineers, Except Mining Safety Engineers and Inspectors 17-2111.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
98 Stationary Engineers and Boiler Operators 51-8021.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx3  
98 Agricultural Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2021.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1  
98 Rail Yard Engineers, Dinkey Operators, and Hostlers 53-4013.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx3  
98 Chemical Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2041.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details   view detailed work activities match detailsx1
98 Electrical Engineers 17-2071.00 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx4 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
98 Electronics Engineers, Except Computer Bright Outlook 17-2072.00 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx4  
98 Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists Bright Outlook 17-2112.01 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
98 Nuclear Engineers 17-2161.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details    
98 Engineers, All Other 17-2199.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details    
98 Microsystems Engineers 17-2199.06 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
98 Computer Hardware Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2061.00 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
98 Industrial Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2112.00 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
98 Fuel Cell Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2141.01 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
98 Mining and Geological Engineers, Including Mining Safety Engineers 17-2151.00 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
98 Energy Engineers, Except Wind and Solar 17-2199.03 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
97 Telecommunications Engineering Specialists 15-1241.01 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx3  
97 Mechatronics Engineers 17-2199.05 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
97 Water/Wastewater Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2051.02 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1 view detailed work activities match detailsx3
97 Blockchain Engineers Bright Outlook 15-1299.07 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2  
97 Manufacturing Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2112.03 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2  
97 Photonics Engineers 17-2199.07 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
97 Wind Energy Engineers 17-2199.10 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
97 Fire-Prevention and Protection Engineers 17-2111.02 view title match details view lay title match details      
97 Sound Engineering Technicians 27-4014.00 view title match details view lay title match details      
97 Locomotive Engineers 53-4011.00 view title match details view lay title match details      
96 Software Developers Bright Outlook 15-1252.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx3  
96 Electrical and Electronics Drafters 17-3012.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx5 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
96 Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters 53-4031.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx4  
96 Surveyors Bright Outlook 17-1022.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx2  
96 Media Technical Directors/Managers Bright Outlook 27-2012.05   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx2  
96 Construction and Building Inspectors 47-4011.00   view lay title match details view description match details    
96 Sailors and Marine Oilers 53-5011.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx4 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
95 Photonics Technicians 17-3029.08   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
95 Computer Network Architects 15-1241.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2  
95 Computer Programmers 15-1251.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
95 Biomass Power Plant Managers 11-3051.04   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
95 Firefighters 33-2011.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
94 Water Resource Specialists Bright Outlook 11-9121.02   view lay title match details      
94 Database Administrators Bright Outlook 15-1242.00   view lay title match details      
94 Radio Frequency Identification Device Specialists Bright Outlook 17-2072.01   view lay title match details      
94 Materials Scientists Bright Outlook 19-2032.00   view lay title match details      
94 Broadcast Technicians 27-4012.00   view lay title match details      
94 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General Bright Outlook 49-9071.00   view lay title match details      
94 Cooling and Freezing Equipment Operators and Tenders Bright Outlook 51-9193.00   view lay title match details      
91 Nanosystems Engineers 17-2199.09 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx4 view detailed work activities match detailsx4
79 Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians 17-3026.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx2 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
78 Automotive Engineering Technicians 17-3027.01 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
76 Environmental Engineering Technologists and Technicians 17-3025.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
73 Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians 17-3022.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1  
73 Sales Engineers Bright Outlook 41-9031.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1  
72 Marine Engineers and Naval Architects 17-2121.00 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx4 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
70 Engineering Technologists and Technicians, Except Drafters, All Other 17-3029.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details    
69 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians 17-3023.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx8  
65 Computer Systems Engineers/Architects Bright Outlook 15-1299.08 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2  
65 Robotics Engineers 17-2199.08 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
62 Validation Engineers Bright Outlook 17-2112.02 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
62 Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technologists and Technicians Bright Outlook 17-3021.00 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
61 Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators 47-2073.00 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
60 Nanotechnology Engineering Technologists and Technicians 17-3026.01 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx5 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
59 Logistics Engineers Bright Outlook 13-1081.01 view title match details view lay title match details      
59 Information Security Engineers Bright Outlook 15-1299.05 view title match details view lay title match details      
59 Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologists and Technicians 17-3024.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx4  
57 Traffic Technicians 53-6041.00   view lay title match details view description match details   view detailed work activities match detailsx1
55 Engineering Teachers, Postsecondary Bright Outlook 25-1032.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details    
54 Search Marketing Strategists Bright Outlook 13-1161.01   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx5  
51 Computer Systems Analysts Bright Outlook 15-1211.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1  
51 Architectural and Civil Drafters 17-3011.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx4 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
51 Food Scientists and Technologists Bright Outlook 19-1012.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1  
51 Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific Products 41-4011.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1  
50 Geological Technicians, Except Hydrologic Technicians 19-4043.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1  
49 Mechanical Drafters 17-3013.00   view lay title match details view description match details   view detailed work activities match detailsx1
49 Railroad Brake, Signal, and Switch Operators and Locomotive Firers 53-4022.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx7 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
47 Outdoor Power Equipment and Other Small Engine Mechanics 49-3053.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx5 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
46 Web and Digital Interface Designers Bright Outlook 15-1255.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1  
46 Surveying and Mapping Technicians 17-3031.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
46 Gas Compressor and Gas Pumping Station Operators 53-7071.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx1  
45 Geodetic Surveyors Bright Outlook 17-1022.01   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx3  
45 Machinists 51-4041.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx3  
44 Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists 49-3031.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
42 Natural Sciences Managers Bright Outlook 11-9121.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2  
42 Mathematicians 15-2021.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2  
42 Transportation Planners 19-3099.01   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2  
42 Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers 51-9061.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2  
41 Security Management Specialists Bright Outlook 13-1199.07   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
41 Captains, Mates, and Pilots of Water Vessels 53-5021.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
41 Landscape Architects 17-1012.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
40 Roustabouts, Oil and Gas 47-5071.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2  
40 Biomass Plant Technicians 51-8013.03   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2  
40 Facilities Managers Bright Outlook 11-3013.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Hydroelectric Production Managers 11-3051.06   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Cost Estimators 13-1051.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Financial Quantitative Analysts Bright Outlook 13-2099.01   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Computer and Information Research Scientists Bright Outlook 15-1221.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Digital Forensics Analysts Bright Outlook 15-1299.06   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Statisticians Bright Outlook 15-2041.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Data Scientists Bright Outlook 15-2051.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Biochemists and Biophysicists Bright Outlook 19-1021.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Conservation Scientists 19-1031.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Environmental Restoration Planners Bright Outlook 19-2041.02   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers Bright Outlook 19-2042.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Hydrologists 19-2043.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Occupational Health and Safety Specialists Bright Outlook 19-5011.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Commercial and Industrial Designers 27-1021.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Energy Auditors 47-4011.01   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers 49-1011.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Avionics Technicians 49-2091.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment 49-2094.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Powerhouse, Substation, and Relay 49-2095.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Audiovisual Equipment Installers and Repairers 49-2097.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Camera and Photographic Equipment Repairers 49-9061.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Power Distributors and Dispatchers 51-8012.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
40 Airfield Operations Specialists Bright Outlook 53-2022.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
39 Millwrights 49-9044.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
39 Transportation Vehicle, Equipment and Systems Inspectors, Except Aviation 53-6051.07   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
39 Dredge Operators 53-7031.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
39 Hoist and Winch Operators 53-7041.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
38 Non-Destructive Testing Specialists 17-3029.01   view lay title match details     view detailed work activities match detailsx1
38 Medical Equipment Repairers Bright Outlook 49-9062.00   view lay title match details     view detailed work activities match detailsx1
37 Computer and Information Systems Managers Bright Outlook 11-3021.00   view lay title match details      
37 Treasurers and Controllers Bright Outlook 11-3031.01   view lay title match details      
37 Geothermal Production Managers 11-3051.02   view lay title match details      
37 Biofuels Production Managers 11-3051.03   view lay title match details      
37 Construction Managers Bright Outlook 11-9021.00   view lay title match details      
37 Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers 11-9199.11   view lay title match details      
37 Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products 13-1023.00   view lay title match details      
37 Environmental Compliance Inspectors Bright Outlook 13-1041.01   view lay title match details      
37 Regulatory Affairs Specialists Bright Outlook 13-1041.07   view lay title match details      
37 Human Resources Specialists Bright Outlook 13-1071.00   view lay title match details      
37 Logisticians Bright Outlook 13-1081.00   view lay title match details      
37 Budget Analysts 13-2031.00   view lay title match details      
37 Financial Specialists, All Other Bright Outlook 13-2099.00   view lay title match details      
37 Information Security Analysts Bright Outlook 15-1212.00   view lay title match details      
37 Computer Network Support Specialists Bright Outlook 15-1231.00   view lay title match details      
37 Computer User Support Specialists Bright Outlook 15-1232.00   view lay title match details      
37 Database Architects Bright Outlook 15-1243.00   view lay title match details      
37 Data Warehousing Specialists Bright Outlook 15-1243.01   view lay title match details      
37 Network and Computer Systems Administrators 15-1244.00   view lay title match details      
37 Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers Bright Outlook 15-1253.00   view lay title match details      
37 Web Developers Bright Outlook 15-1254.00   view lay title match details      
37 Video Game Designers Bright Outlook 15-1255.01   view lay title match details      
37 Geographic Information Systems Technologists and Technicians Bright Outlook 15-1299.02   view lay title match details      
37 Penetration Testers Bright Outlook 15-1299.04   view lay title match details      
37 Business Intelligence Analysts Bright Outlook 15-2051.01   view lay title match details      
37 Mathematical Science Occupations, All Other Bright Outlook 15-2099.00   view lay title match details      
37 Cartographers and Photogrammetrists Bright Outlook 17-1021.00   view lay title match details      
37 Drafters, All Other 17-3019.00   view lay title match details      
37 Bioinformatics Scientists 19-1029.01   view lay title match details      
37 Physicists Bright Outlook 19-2012.00   view lay title match details      
37 Atmospheric and Space Scientists 19-2021.00   view lay title match details      
37 Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health Bright Outlook 19-2041.00   view lay title match details      
37 Industrial Ecologists Bright Outlook 19-2041.03   view lay title match details      
37 Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists 19-2099.01   view lay title match details      
37 Urban and Regional Planners 19-3051.00   view lay title match details      
37 Quality Control Analysts 19-4099.01   view lay title match details      
37 Rehabilitation Counselors 21-1015.00   view lay title match details      
37 Special Effects Artists and Animators Bright Outlook 27-1014.00   view lay title match details      
37 Audio and Video Technicians Bright Outlook 27-4011.00   view lay title match details      
37 Camera Operators, Television, Video, and Film 27-4031.00   view lay title match details      
37 Film and Video Editors Bright Outlook 27-4032.00   view lay title match details      
37 Occupational Therapists Bright Outlook 29-1122.00   view lay title match details      
37 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians 29-1229.04   view lay title match details      
37 First-Line Supervisors of Landscaping, Lawn Service, and Groundskeeping Workers 37-1012.00   view lay title match details      
37 Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners Bright Outlook 37-2011.00   view lay title match details      
37 Meter Readers, Utilities 43-5041.00   view lay title match details      
37 Desktop Publishers 43-9031.00   view lay title match details      
37 Statistical Assistants 43-9111.00   view lay title match details      
37 Logging Equipment Operators 45-4022.00   view lay title match details      
37 Solar Energy Installation Managers 47-1011.03   view lay title match details      
37 Paving, Surfacing, and Tamping Equipment Operators 47-2071.00   view lay title match details      
37 Pile Driver Operators 47-2072.00   view lay title match details      
37 Sheet Metal Workers 47-2211.00   view lay title match details      
37 Excavating and Loading Machine and Dragline Operators, Surface Mining 47-5022.00   view lay title match details      
37 Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas 47-5023.00   view lay title match details      
37 Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers 49-2011.00   view lay title match details      
37 Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line Installers Bright Outlook 49-2022.00   view lay title match details      
37 Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers 49-2098.00   view lay title match details      
37 Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers Bright Outlook 49-9021.00   view lay title match details      
37 Industrial Machinery Mechanics Bright Outlook 49-9041.00   view lay title match details      
37 Maintenance Workers, Machinery Bright Outlook 49-9043.00   view lay title match details      
37 Helpers--Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers 49-9098.00   view lay title match details      
37 First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers 51-1011.00   view lay title match details      
37 Engine and Other Machine Assemblers 51-2031.00 view title match details view lay title match details view description match details    
37 Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 51-4021.00   view lay title match details      
37 Molding, Coremaking, and Casting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 51-4072.00   view lay title match details      
37 Patternmakers, Wood 51-7032.00   view lay title match details      
37 Woodworking Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Except Sawing 51-7042.00   view lay title match details      
37 Nuclear Power Reactor Operators 51-8011.00   view lay title match details      
37 Power Plant Operators 51-8013.00   view lay title match details      
37 Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators 51-8031.00   view lay title match details      
37 Crushing, Grinding, and Polishing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 51-9021.00   view lay title match details      
37 Mixing and Blending Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 51-9023.00   view lay title match details      
37 Cutting and Slicing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 51-9032.00   view lay title match details      
37 Furnace, Kiln, Oven, Drier, and Kettle Operators and Tenders 51-9051.00   view lay title match details      
37 Semiconductor Processing Technicians Bright Outlook 51-9141.00   view lay title match details      
37 Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers Bright Outlook 51-9162.00   view lay title match details      
37 Cleaning, Washing, and Metal Pickling Equipment Operators and Tenders 51-9192.00   view lay title match details      
37 Glass Blowers, Molders, Benders, and Finishers 51-9195.04   view lay title match details      
37 Tire Builders 51-9197.00   view lay title match details      
37 Helpers--Production Workers 51-9198.00   view lay title match details      
37 Production Workers, All Other 51-9199.00   view lay title match details      
37 First-Line Supervisors of Material-Moving Machine and Vehicle Operators Bright Outlook 53-1043.00   view lay title match details      
37 Rail Transportation Workers, All Other 53-4099.00   view lay title match details      
37 Parking Attendants 53-6021.00   view lay title match details      
37 Crane and Tower Operators 53-7021.00   view lay title match details      
37 Pump Operators, Except Wellhead Pumpers 53-7072.00   view lay title match details      
37 Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors 53-7081.00   view lay title match details      
37 Military Officer Special and Tactical Operations Leaders, All Other 55-1019.00   view lay title match details      
37 First-Line Supervisors of Air Crew Members 55-2011.00   view lay title match details      
37 Air Crew Members 55-3011.00   view lay title match details      
37 Special Forces 55-3018.00   view lay title match details      
32 Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians 49-3011.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx9  
31 Mobile Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Except Engines Bright Outlook 49-3042.00 view title match details view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
29 Motorboat Mechanics and Service Technicians Bright Outlook 49-3051.00   view lay title match details view description match details view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
28 Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers 53-2011.00 view title match details     view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
27 Chemical Technicians 19-4031.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx2  
25 Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology and Product Development Managers 11-9041.01   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
25 Robotics Technicians 17-3024.01   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
25 Technical Writers Bright Outlook 27-3042.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
25 Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks 43-5061.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
25 Model Makers, Metal and Plastic 51-4061.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
24 Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics 49-3023.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx4 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
22 Government Property Inspectors and Investigators Bright Outlook 13-1041.04   view lay title match details      
22 Industrial-Organizational Psychologists Bright Outlook 19-3032.00   view lay title match details      
22 Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary Bright Outlook 25-1041.00   view lay title match details      
22 Environmental Science Teachers, Postsecondary 25-1053.00   view lay title match details      
22 Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products Bright Outlook 41-4012.00   view lay title match details      
22 Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other 43-9199.00   view lay title match details      
22 Structural Iron and Steel Workers 47-2221.00   view lay title match details      
18 Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health Bright Outlook 19-4042.00     view description match details    
17 Forest and Conservation Technicians 19-4071.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
16 First-Line Supervisors of Firefighting and Prevention Workers 33-1021.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
16 Rotary Drill Operators, Oil and Gas 47-5012.00   view lay title match details   view tasks match detailsx1  
15 Electric Motor, Power Tool, and Related Repairers 49-2092.00   view lay title match details     view detailed work activities match detailsx1
15 Control and Valve Installers and Repairers, Except Mechanical Door 49-9012.00   view lay title match details     view detailed work activities match detailsx1
15 Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment 53-7061.00   view lay title match details     view detailed work activities match detailsx1
14 Writers and Authors 27-3043.00   view lay title match details      
14 Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists Bright Outlook 33-2022.00   view lay title match details      
14 Dispatchers, Except Police, Fire, and Ambulance 43-5032.00   view lay title match details      
14 Forest and Conservation Workers 45-4011.00   view lay title match details      
14 Carpenters 47-2031.00   view lay title match details      
14 Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 47-2152.00   view lay title match details      
14 Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 51-4034.00   view lay title match details      
14 Gas Plant Operators 51-8092.00   view lay title match details      
14 Jewelers and Precious Stone and Metal Workers 51-9071.00   view lay title match details      
14 Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Bright Outlook 53-7062.00   view lay title match details      
11 Calibration Technologists and Technicians 17-3028.00     view description match details    
11 Hydrologic Technicians 19-4044.00     view description match details    
11 Nuclear Technicians 19-4051.00     view description match details    
9 Motorcycle Mechanics 49-3052.00       view tasks match detailsx4 view detailed work activities match detailsx2
7 Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists Bright Outlook 13-1161.00     view description match details    
7 Loading and Moving Machine Operators, Underground Mining 47-5044.00     view description match details    
6 Architects, Except Landscape and Naval Bright Outlook 17-1011.00       view tasks match detailsx2 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
6 Commercial Pilots 53-2012.00       view tasks match detailsx3 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
5 Supply Chain Managers Bright Outlook 11-3071.04       view tasks match detailsx2  
5 Wind Energy Development Managers 11-9199.10       view tasks match detailsx2  
5 Online Merchants Bright Outlook 13-1199.06       view tasks match detailsx3  
4 Farm Equipment Mechanics and Service Technicians Bright Outlook 49-3041.00       view tasks match detailsx2 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
3 Wellhead Pumpers 53-7073.00       view tasks match detailsx2  
2 Health Informatics Specialists Bright Outlook 15-1211.01       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Soil and Plant Scientists Bright Outlook 19-1013.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Chemists Bright Outlook 19-2031.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Biological Technicians Bright Outlook 19-4021.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Remote Sensing Technicians 19-4099.03       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators Bright Outlook 27-1013.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Interior Designers 27-1025.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Merchandise Displayers and Window Trimmers 27-1026.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Wind Turbine Service Technicians Bright Outlook 49-9081.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers Bright Outlook 51-2022.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Structural Metal Fabricators and Fitters 51-2041.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 51-4033.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers 51-4121.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Textile Cutting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 51-6062.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 51-6063.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Textile Winding, Twisting, and Drawing Out Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 51-6064.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Chemical Plant and System Operators 51-8091.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Chemical Equipment Operators and Tenders 51-9011.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
2 Motorboat Operators 53-5022.00       view tasks match detailsx1 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
2 Automotive and Watercraft Service Attendants 53-6031.00       view tasks match detailsx1 view detailed work activities match detailsx1
1 Fishing and Hunting Workers Bright Outlook 45-3031.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
1 Fallers 45-4021.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
1 Service Unit Operators, Oil and Gas 47-5013.00       view tasks match detailsx1  
1 Recreational Vehicle Service Technicians Bright Outlook 49-3092.00         view detailed work activities match detailsx2
1 Hydroelectric Plant Technicians 51-8013.04       view tasks match detailsx1  
1 Biofuels Processing Technicians 51-8099.01       view tasks match detailsx1  
1 Aviation Inspectors 53-6051.01       view tasks match detailsx1  
Automotive Glass Installers and Repairers 49-3022.00         view detailed work activities match detailsx1
Rail Car Repairers 49-3043.00         view detailed work activities match detailsx1
Commercial Divers Bright Outlook 49-9092.00         view detailed work activities match detailsx1